3 minutes
26 July 2022
The NDIS is always changing, so it can be hard to keep up to date with the latest information. To make things a little easier, we’ve created a summary of the key changes that came into effect on 1st July 2022.
Key Changes
• Putting plan variation and plan reassessments into action
• Language changes around psychosocial disability
• Clarifying that episodic and fluctuating impairments can be considered permanent when determining eligibility to the Scheme, including for people with psychosocial disability
• Putting risk assessments in place for participants who want to use a plan manager to purchase supports from unregistered providers
• Internal and external review process clarification due to changed NDIS terms
• New acronyms
Plan Variations & Reassessments:
A plan variation is a new NDIS plan with similar supports or minor changes to the previous plan. This option means that participants can access new supports quickly without needing to go through a full plan reassessment (formerly known as a plan review).
Previous feedback around the term ‘plan review’ has led the NDIS to rename this process, which is now known as a plan reassessment instead. This process means that all supports within the plan are reconsidered and a new plan may be created.
A plan variation or plan reassessment can be requested by a participant at any time. It can also be initiated by the NDIA at any time. Whether the request is made by the participant or initiated by the NDIA for a plan variation or plan reassessment, the participant must be involved in the process. This means that if the NDIA initiate a plan variation or reassessment, the participant must be made aware of the action taken and why.
When a participant requests a plan variation or plan reassessment, the NDIA must respond to your request within 21 days.
Language Changes Around Psychosocial Disability:
The language of the NDIS Act has been updated when mentioning people with psychosocial disability. Previously the language used referenced either ‘psychiatric conditions’ or ‘psychosocial functioning’.
Eligibility Recognition for Episodic and Fluctuating Impairments:
Although there are no changes to the way eligibility works when applying for the NDIS, the legislation has been updated to clarify that conditions that are ‘episodic and fluctuating’ can be considered permanent.
Requesting Plan Management Changes:
The process of how plan management works has not changed. However, the request process has. Now, when a participant requests to use a plan manager, the Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or NDIA planner may ask questions to form a risk assessment.
The risk assessment process is already in place for participants who request to be self-managed. In the case of someone wanting to be self-managed, a LAC or NDIA planner may do a risk assessment where if the risk is too high, the participant may be plan managed or agency managed instead.
The intention behind the risk assessment is to ensure that however the participant wants their plan to be managed, that management choice does not present an “unreasonable risk of harm” to them.
Internal and External Review Clarification:
Previously, when a participant asked for their plan to be reviewed and during that review process their circumstances changed, they would need to wait for the original review to be completed then request another review due to their change in circumstances.
Now, if a participant requests a review, if their plan is varied or reassessed throughout the review (internal or external) process, the varied or new plan will be incorporated automatically in the review process.
New Acronyms:
NPSS – New Plan Similar Supports
LTPR – Light Touch Plan Review
PSO – Participant Support Office
ATHM – Assistive Technology Home Modifications
If you have any questions regarding these changes, you can visit the NDIS website or contact our First2Care support team on 1300 322 273 or via email support@first2care.com.au. Alternatively, you can contact your support coordinator or LAC as well.