3 minutes
27 April 2022
Here are the NDIA pricing updates released on the 30th of March and 1st of April 2022.
Changes and extensions to the participant COVID-19 vaccination enablement payments for providers:
Between 1st April and 31st August 2022, providers in specific registration groups can claim $75 per participant per COVID-19 dose when they support a participant to receive their vaccinations during this time.
Providers have 28 calendar days after 31 August 2022 to claim for this support.
Rapid antigen test (RAT) expansion for support workers
RAT claims for support workers have been extended until 31 August 2022. This support was originally scheduled to end on 30 April 2022.
Updated Pricing Arrangements for SDA 2021-22 and SDA Price Calculator 2021-22
Maximum rent contribution and maximum board amounts have been updated to reflect the increases to the Disability Support Pension.
Effective from 20 March 2022, the fortnightly maximum reasonable rent contribution has increased:
• to $389.18 for a single person (an increase of $8.03)
• to $252.15 for each member of a couple (an increase of $5.17).
Effective from 20 March 2022, the fortnightly maximum board contribution has increased:
• to $464.50 for a single person (an increase of $9.30)
• to $350.10 for each member of a couple (an increase of $7.00).
Providers must honour existing service agreements with participants and ensure they are compliant with Appendix H – SDA Terms of Business from the Pricing Arrangements for SDA 2021-22.
The Pricing Arrangements for SDA 2021-22 now includes information on SDA multi-design category dwellings, and how they are priced. The pricing for an SDA dwelling with multiple design categories reflects a maximum price per participant, for each design category. The NDIA price individual bedrooms separately and take into account the total number of residents/bedrooms in the dwelling. For example, in a group home of 4 residents (each with their own bedrooms), where two bedrooms meet the High Physical Support design category and two bedrooms meet the Improved Liveability design standard:
• the two Improved Liveability bedrooms are each eligible for the per participant, Group Home, 4 resident, Improved Liveability price; and,
• the two High Physical Support bedrooms are each eligible for the per participant, Group Home, 4 resident, High Physical Support price.
If an SDA provider has enrolled a multi-design category dwelling that includes Robust category bedrooms and a breakout room, then the additional price for the breakout room is added to the base price of the per participant price for each bedroom of the Robust design category only.
Please check the Pricing Arrangements for SDA for full pricing conditions for multi-design category dwellings.