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A-Z Glossary of NDIS Acronyms & Definitions You Need to Know

Updated: Nov 2, 2021

When it comes to understanding the ins and outs of the NDIS it can sometimes feel a little overwhelming especially when there are so many terms and acronyms to understand. To make things easier, we've developed an A-Z Glossary of NDIS Acronyms and Definitions that you need to know.

ABC blocks stacked on top of each other


  • AT: Assistive Technology

  • FPDN: First Peoples Disability Network

  • ILO: Independent Living Options

  • LAC: Local Area Coordinator

  • NAT: National Access Team

  • NDIA: National Disability Insurance Agency

  • NDIS: National Disability Insurance Scheme

  • SIL: Supported Independent Living

  • SDA: Specialist Disability Accommodation

  • STA: Short-Term Accommodation (Respite)

  • SLES: School Leaver Employment Supports


Access/eligibility requirements: To become an NDIS participant, certain requirements, that

have been set out by the NDIA, need to be met. The requirements include: age, residence,

disability and early intervention.

Advocate: Someone (an individual or part of an organisation) who may act or speak on your

behalf if you have given them permission to do so. They can offer independent support to

those who feel they are not being heard or may not be able to articulate their wants and


Agency Managed (NDIA managed): One of the three choices for the financial management

of an NDIS plan (the other two are Plan Managed and Self-Managed). If a participant is

Agency Managed then the NDIA will pay your support providers and manage your finances

and paperwork on your behalf.

Assistive Technology: Any device or system that allows individuals to perform tasks they would otherwise be unable to do or increases the ease and safety with which tasks can be performed.

Carer: Someone who provides personal care, support and help to a person with disability

and is not contracted as a paid or voluntary worker, often a family member or guardian.

Capacity Building Supports: An NDIS funding category designed for activities that support

participants in learning new skills. These skills may include achieving some of the goals like

living independently, finding a job, or getting help with NDIS plan management.

Capital Supports: An NDIS funding category that provides funding for Assistive technology

and home or vehicle modifications. The NDIS is very specific in what this funding can be

used for and it must be used as it is allocated.

Choice and control: A participant has the right to make their own decisions about what is

important to them as well as the decision for who provides support and how that support is


Community engagement: Describes the ways people are involved in the wider community.

Community services: Activities and interests (not supplied by government groups), which

are available to everyone in the community e.g. social, study and sporting interests.

Complaints: If you’re unhappy with any part of the process, system, product or service

provided by the NDIA, you can make a complaint (the same goes for any service providers

you work with). It can be either written or verbal and can be provided by a participant,

provider, family member or carer.

Core Supports: An NDIS funding category that helps participants in their everyday life. This

area of an NDIS Plan has four budget categories within it, which can be flexible to

accommodate individual needs.

Developmental delay: When a child develops at a slower rate than other children of the

same age and doesn’t reach milestones at the expected times.

Early Childhood Partner: The NDIA partner contracted to implement the Early Childhood Early Intervention Approach. An Early Childhood Partner works with LAC's, children aged 0-6 who may have developmental delays or disability and their families during the planning process, they help to identify the child's needs and potential short-term interventions, refer the family to mainstream services and provide information about the NDIS.

Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI): The ECEI approach is for children aged 0-6

years who have an early childhood disability or developmental delay and are not receiving

disability support already.

First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN): A national organisation that advocates for the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability. FPDN is governed by First Peoples with lived experience of disability with the aim to provide a voice to the needs and concerns of First Peoples with disability.

Funded Supports: Supports the NDIS pays for through a participant’s plan. These supports

must be reasonable and necessary.

Funded Support Package: The funding available to a participant. There are 3 budgets in a

support package: Core, Capacity Building and Capital Supports.

Goals: Things a participant wants to work towards, with the help of the NDIS.

Guardian: A person in a formal caring role, acting for a person with a disability. Parents are

usually guardians.

Independent Living Options (ILO): NDIS support that allows you to choose the home you live in and set up supports in the way that suits you and your needs. An ILO is a package of supports that can help you live how you want in the home environment you have chosen (not the home itself).

Informal supports: The supports participants get from the people around them, for

example family, friends, neighbours. Informal support refers to unpaid support given by

family members or friends.

Line item: A unique code in the NDIS Price Guide that outlines which category to claim funding from a participant’s plan.

Local Area Coordinators (LAC): LACs are local organisations working in partnership with

the NDIA, to help participants, their families and carers access the NDIS. LACs will hold plan

meetings and plan reviews on behalf of the NDIA and help participants write and manage

their plans and also connect participants to mainstream services and local and community based supports.

Mainstream services: The government systems providing services to the Australian public

e.g. health, mental health, education, justice, housing, child protection and employment


Modifications: Changes made to an environment, product or equipment that makes it

easier to use or access.

myplace: The NDIS online portal used by providers and participants to create service bookings, review available funds in a participant plan and find registered providers. Typically used by NDIA Managed participants.

National Access Team (NAT): NDIA staff members who work in locations around Australia

to review NDIS access applications and decisions relating to a participant’s eligibility for the


National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA): The Commonwealth government organisation administering the NDIS.

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS): A way of providing support for Australians

with disability, their families and carers.

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission: The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission) is an independent Commonwealth agency established to improve the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services.

Nominee: A person who is appointed to act and make decisions for a participant who does

not have a parent or guardian.

Participant: A person who meets the NDIS access requirements.

Participant statement: Information setting out a participant’s living arrangements,

relationships, supports, description of day to day life as well as their goals.

Payment Request: Providers can receive payment for supports provided by creating an individual payment request or submitting a bulk upload on myplace if a participant is Agency Managed, by invoicing the participant directly if they are Self-Managed or by invoicing a participant's Plan Manager if they are Plan Managed.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): PPE is any item of clothing or equipment that protects the wearer from infection. It's a term that has become more common throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The NDIS can fund PPE, including face masks and gloves, as a way of keeping you and your service providers safe and healthy.

Plan: A written agreement designed with the participant, stating their goals and needs, and

the reasonable and necessary supports the NDIS will fund for them. Each participant has

their own individual plan.

Plan Managed: One of the three choices for the financial management of an NDIS plan (the

other two are Agency Managed and Self-Managed). Plan Managers (like First2Care) help

participants by managing the financial and administrative aspects of their NDIS plan,

including things like payments, budgeting and reporting. This financial management option

gives participants the ability to access registered and unregistered service providers. Plan

Management can be added into an NDIS plan at no out-of-pocket expense to the


Planning Meeting: The initial meeting that a participant has with an LAC or NDIA planner to

discuss their disability and how it impacts their day-to-day life, their current supports, their

goals and any other relevant information that may need to be considered for the

development of their first plan.

Plan Review Meeting: When the planning period of an NDIS is coming to an end (typically

planning periods last from 12 months to 3 years depending on the participant), the

participant will have a plan review meeting to discuss what has worked and what hasn’t

worked, what their goals are moving forward and any other relevant information for their

next plan.

Price Limit: Each line item includes a price limit or cap which is the maximum amount the NDIS will pay for supports/items using that line item.

Provider (Service Provider): Someone who has products or services to help participants pursue the goals in their plan. Participants can choose their providers and change providers at any time, this is also known as choice and control.

Reasonable and Necessary: ‘Reasonable’ means something fair, and ‘necessary’ means

something you must have. The NDIS funds reasonable and necessary supports relating to a

person’s disability to help them live their lives more independently and pursue their goals.

Registered Provider: An organisation or individual who is registered with the NDIA to provide NDIS supports. Registered providers need to adhere to certain NDIS regulations such as NDIA Terms of Business and NDIS Price Guide.

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA): Specialist disability housing under the NDIS.

Supported Independent Living (SIL): Funded services provided for participants to support them to live more independently. This support is usually provided in a residence shared with other NDIS participants.

School Leaver Employment Services (SLES): A support package funded to assist school leavers to transition from school into employment. SLES is funded over two years for supports for achieving employment outcomes.

Short-Term Accommodation (STA): Also known as respite, allows both the carer and the person they care for to take a break. STA is a support provided for a limited time, and typically delivered in a group-based facility.

Sector: The organisations and companies providing disability support services and the peak

bodies that represent them.

Self-management: Participants receive all or part of their NDIS funding and they manage

their payments for supports and pay their providers directly.

Service agreement: A contract between the participant and the service provider they have

chosen to deliver the supports in their plan. They are a written document that detail the roles

and responsibilities of the participant and the service provider.

Support coordinator: A support coordinator is a person who connects NDIS participants to

organisations that provide supports and services including community, mainstream and

government services. Their job is to help participants access the right supports and find the

right mix of activities to achieve the goals set in their NDIS plan.

Supports: Things to help a person undertake daily life activities and enable them to

participate in the community and pursue their goals.

Supplier: Someone who provides items such as equipment to support participants.

Stated Supports: Any services listed as ‘stated supports’ are not flexible. This means

funding has been allocated for a specific support or service, and it cannot be used for

anything other than its intended purpose.

Unregistered provider: A person or organisation that has chosen not to register with the NDIS and does not need to adhere to NDIA guidelines and pricing. Often smaller businesses or individuals opt to be unregistered providers as the registration process with the NDIS can be lengthy.

Work Health and Safety (WHS): The rules designed to keep everyone safe in the workplace, including staff, customers, and visitors. All NDIS service providers must follow WHS legislation, which can vary between states and territories. Also known as Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S).

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