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For Providers: Top FAQs (& the answers) Providers Ask

Writer: First2Care TeamFirst2Care Team

Whether you’ve been a provider for NDIS participants for a while or are new to the disability sector, there are always questions that are bound to come up. We pride ourselves on our knowledge of the NDIS and financial management. Which is why we’re always happy to share what we know with providers. Find out our most commonly asked questions and the answers below.

Young woman wearing head set and smiling while looking at a computer monitor
Young woman wearing head set and smiling while looking at a computer monitor

I’m not registered with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission… do I need a service agreement?

The NDIS cannot mandate that a service agreement be in place between a participant and provider. However, it’s strongly recommended to have a service agreement in place. This is to ensure that communication is clear and that both the provider and the NDIS participant know what the agreement entails. It’s much easier to be able to refer to an agreed understanding that has been signed off by both parties if any challenges in the relationship or communication arise.

Does First2Care provide resources to help with tax?

Tax time can be a stressful time. We often have providers contact our team requesting we provide tax advice or payment summaries. However, this is outside the scope of our role. As plan managers, our role is to pay providers for their services, which includes sending a remittance advice on all payments via email.

Plan managers are not the employers of providers who deliver supports to NDIS participants. Providers should have some form of invoicing or accounting system in place that they can use to track their paid invoices making tax time a smoother process. For any tax-related questions or concerns, we recommend contacting an accredited tax accountant.

How quickly are invoices processed?

Invoices with First2Care are typically processed within two working days. This allows participants the opportunity to review the invoice prior to the claim being paid. There are some things that you can do as a provider to ensure your invoices are processed in a timely manner, including:

  • Provider details i.e., your name, address, ABN, contact details, and bank details

  • Participant details i.e., participant's name, NDIS number, and any other relevant participant identification or reference numbers

  • Date and unique invoice number

  • Description of the services provided including the dates of service, duration, and the service codes or item numbers

  • Rates and quantity service delivered

  • GST information

It is important for NDIS providers to ensure that their invoices are clear, accurate, and comply with specific requirements so payments can be made in a timely manner.

What time of day do I need to invoice for?

It’s important to establish the day of the week before the time of day as the pricing limits can vary depending on the day as well as the time of day.

Once the day and the time of day the support is being provided has been established, you can check the Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits for the relevant line-item number.

Of course, there are situations where there may be other factors that contribute to or impact the pricing limit to be claimed. This may include shift boundaries and night supports or nigh sleepovers, which you can learn more about here.

What’s the best way to claim for travel?

Providers can only claim travel costs from a participant’s plan if certain rules and regulations are met. Which means, it’s a good idea to review the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits each year to ensure you’re following the regulations laid out by the NDIA.

It’s also important to understand the difference between claiming provider travel (labour and non-labour costs) and claiming activity-based travel.

If you are travelling to or from a participant this is considered Provider Travel which is billable travel time at the same rate as the service which you are providing.

If you are transporting a participant as part of the support, this is considered Activity Based Transport. This support is charged differently to provider travel and is billed per kilometre.

Not understanding the differences between provider travel and participant travel, could lead to invoice errors which can mean delays in invoice processing.

Should I charge GST?

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) outlines that services provided to meet the funding guidelines of the NDIS are generally not subject to GST. This includes assessment, planning, and implementation of services such as personal care, therapy, and support services for individuals with disabilities..

If GST has been added to a participant invoice, we can still process invoices up to the maximum amount listed in the NDIS pricing arrangements for that line item. Essentially the GST needs to be inclusive within that limit. If the added GST goes over that limit, it is likely the service will be short funded.

With most NDIS invoices being GST free, when we receive an invoice that includes GST, the invoice needs to be cross checked which may cause some minor processing delays.

For the most accurate advice, please consult a registered tax accountant. Plan Managers, while requiring accounting qualifications, are not tax advisors for providers.

What do I do if any invoice hasn’t been paid?

As plan managers, we always discuss how our plan managed participants would like invoices paid. Some participants want to review every invoice before it is paid, while others are comfortable with them being processed without waiting for approval. In both cases, we will send a copy of the invoice to our participants.

If an invoice hasn’t been paid, you can reach out to one of our team members to check the status of the invoice. There may be a minor delay while we are waiting for approval from the participant, they may have requested the invoice be put on hold, or the invoice doesn’t meet the NDIS standards.

If a participant won’t pay despite having funding available, try to understand what the underlying issue is, refer to the service agreement, and work together to come up with a solution for this and any future invoices. We cannot process an invoice if a participant has directly asked us not to. We always encourage participants and providers to discuss any issues with each other.

If you have a participant who is plan managed with First2Care, you can register your details with our First2Care team for quick and easy payment processing. Read more about First2Care Plan Management here.

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First2Care provides transparent NDIS Plan Management & is focused on supporting your choices. Live the life you want with First2Care by your side.

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First2Care respectfully operates on Meanjin land, as named by the Jagera people and the Turrbal people. We honour this privilege and responsibility with respect and humility to past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation. We acknowledge the wisdom, diversity and continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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© 2023 First2Care - Serving our participants & community since 2014.

Support Management Solutions Pty Ltd T/AS First2Care. Provider Registration No. 4050003364 First2Care.

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