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Maintenance, Cleaning & Gardening Under the NDIS

Writer: First2Care TeamFirst2Care Team

For some, your disability may have an impact on you performing certain tasks in and around your home. This can include things like gardening or yard maintenance, cleaning, and home maintenance. The NDIS can provide funding for supports to assist with these tasks, but it can be a little tricky to know exactly what the NDIS will and will not cover.

Woman and a support person looking at cucumbers in a raised garden bed
Woman and a support person looking at cucumbers in a raised garden bed

Can the NDIS provide funding for home maintenance, cleaning & gardening?

The simple answer is yes. The NDIS can provide funding for home maintenance, cleaning, and gardening if it fits the NDIA’s reasonable and necessary criteria and/or the support is related to your NDIS goals. However, as we know all too well, “simple answers” aren’t really the NDIS’ style.

For example, if you live alone and need assistance cleaning your home, then NDIS may provide funding for supports to assist in cleaning your entire home. If you don’t live alone (i.e., you live in a share house or with your parents), then that funding would only be considered reasonable and necessary as it relates to you. This means that a service provider could help you with your personal space or bedroom but not for any common spaces.

Specialist tasks like electrical or plumbing work are not funded by the NDIS.

Generally, if you are unable to do home maintenance, cleaning, or gardening tasks because of your disability, it’s likely to be considered reasonable and necessary and you can use your NDIS funding for this purpose.

How is this funded?

Funding for activities like home maintenance, cleaning and gardening typically fall into your Core Support category “Assistance with daily life”. This support category is designed to help people with daily tasks.

Your Core Support funding is flexible, which means if the support you need meets NDIS reasonable and necessary guidelines then you can use the funding in this category as you choose.

If one of your goals is to do these tasks by yourself in time, then you may be able to access funding under your Capacity Building Supports as well. The best course of action is to discuss this with your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or NDIA planner during your planning meeting or plan review meeting to ensure you can access the funding you need in the appropriate categories.

Finding the right supports

Before contacting a service provider, you should make note of:

  • What tasks you want completed

  • How often you want these tasks complete (remember to check your plan budget to ensure you don’t end up overspending)

  • Your available days

When you are seeking out a service provider, here are some questions you could ask:

  • What type of experience do you have?

  • Will you bring your own equipment?

  • Are you okay with pets?

  • Do I need to be home when you work?

  • Will you remove any waste when you have finished?

  • Do you offer a discount for regular service?

  • Do you have a valid Australian Business number (ABN)

  • Can we have a service agreement* to ensure we are on the same page when it comes to services provided and cost?

It’s a good idea to ask for quotes from a few different providers so you can compare the services they provide and the cost for those services.

*If you need help with negotiating a service agreement, you can discuss this with your Support Coordinator or a disability advocate.

How being Plan Managed can help

Many companies or individuals that can help with tasks like home maintenance, cleaning and gardening may not have gone through the lengthy and costly process of becoming NDIS registered, one of the many benefits of being plan managed is that you have access to NDIS registered and unregistered supports and services. Essentially, you have more choice and control over who you employ as part of your support team.

Read more about the benefits of working with an independent, professional Plan Manager. Alternatively, contact our friendly team on 1300 322 273 or

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