The NDIS is notorious for its many changes. Recently following the government change over, more changes have been made. This time to the terminology used. The intention for this terminology change is to provide better clarity for NDIS participants to ask for what they want or need. Get to know the new lingo below!

Why the change?
Feedback from participants, disability advocates and others within the disability community, indicated that the way plan reviews were discussed and defined was confusing. To remedy this, the NDIA made changes to the terminology in the NDIS Act which came into effect on 1st July 2022.
Terminology Changes to Know
Review date > Reassessment date
Every NDIS participant will have a reassessment date (formerly known as a ‘review date’ or ‘end of participants plan date’). This date signifies the end of your current plan and the beginning of a new plan. The NDIA will assess your plan by this date and decide if any changes are needed. If your plan reaches the reassessment date, and your reassessment is yet to be completed, your current plan will be varied* to extend it by 12 months to ensure you maintain access to the supports you need.
Full Plan Review > Plan Reassessment
When it comes to terminology changes, this one has been long awaited. Formerly known as a plan review, full plan review, scheduled or unscheduled review, change of circumstances review (CoC), or S48 review (let’s be honest that is way too many names for one thing!), now this process will simply be known as a plan reassessment.
A plan reassessment is typically conducted by the NDIA prior to your reassessment date. However, you can request a plan reassessment at any time. When the NDIA conduct a reassessment, they will determine if a new plan needs to be created or if the current plan can be varied. This will depend on your situation.
‘Light Touch’ Plan Review > Plan Variation
This is another one that originally had more names than necessary - ‘light touch’ plan review, plan extension, rollover or continuation, new plan with similar supports, or new plan with minor changes. Now known as a plan variation, this process is used for situations where a plan needs to be varied without needing a full reassessment. A plan variation can be requested by you at any time and will be completed by the NDIA within seven days.
S100 Review > Internal Review of a Decision
The S100 review, also known as ‘review of reviewable decision’ (RORD) will now be known as internal review of a decision. Participants can ask for a review of NDIA decision making at any time. If you are unhappy with the outcome of an internal review, you can escalate the review from an internal review to an external review with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).
Although these terminology changes are positive, if you are not sure which of them apply to you and your situation you can reach out to our First2Care support team on 1300 322 273 or via email at Alternatively you can contact your support coordinator, local area coordinator (LAC) or the NDIA.
For more information on these changes, click here.
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